Join in English for Child Care and Education

Join in English for Child Care and Education

Holland is committed to option in education and you will notice a huge range of options to consider when enrolling your child in school.

Overall, the education system in the Netherlands works very well, but it is very different from most other countries. Furthermore, some of the policies vary per metropolis. That said, schools post-obit particular religious or pedagogic principles have had equal state funding to public schools since 1917.

This includes numerous international schools in holland of which some are likewise subsidised. International education is bachelor at both state-funded and private schools throughout the country, and seventeen primary schools accept officially implemented bilingual education.

This helpful guide to the educational activity system in the netherlands, provided by Amity International School Amsterdam, explains everything you lot need when choosing a suitable school for your kid in holland. It includes the following sections:

Amity International School Amsterdam

Amity International School Amsterdam is a global learning environment located in Amstelveen for students from three–18 years. An accredited IB school for the Primary Years Program, Amity provides a broad, thorough teaching for all ages that combines academic excellence with a diversity of opportunities in sports, the arts, and more. Encounter what future Amity could offering your children today.

Education in kingdom of the netherlands

Most children start primary school (called basisschool in Dutch) the day subsequently their 4th birthday; whenever that is throughout the year. From their 5th altogether, all children are obliged to become to school (leerplicht).

Principal schoolhouse has viii grades, group 1 through grouping viii (age 12). Subsequently, students transfer to a secondary school. They are obliged to go to school until the end of the school year in which they accept turned 16; provided they have obtained a diploma (startkwalificatie). If not, they should continue studying until age 18, either total-time or office-time.

School fees and contributions

Although the education at well-nigh Dutch schools is free, they practice ask for a pocket-size voluntarily parent contribution (ouderbijdrage) with which they pay for extra things like school trips, celebrations (Sinterklaas / Christmas), a defended music teacher, or a student-run vegetable garden. Some schools base of operations the rate of the contribution on the household income of the parents.

The Ministry building of Education, Civilisation, and Science (OCW) is the Dutch ministry responsible for education, culture, science, research, gender equality, and communications. Apart from a handful of private, fee-paying schools, all schools are funded past this ministry. The ministry building sets quality standards, core objectives, attainment targets, and social objectives all schools demand to adhere to. However, private schools fill up in the details of the curriculum and budget resource allotment.

The Dutch school omnipresence law (leerplichtwet) is very strict. Children are only allowed to miss school because of very specific reasons; for example, an important family commemoration or emergency, or if y'all can prove that your job doesn't allow you to take time off during the school holidays.

School holidays in the Netherlands

School holidays in kingdom of the netherlands, for primary and secondary schools, are ready nationally with staggered start/finish times beyond three regions in order to spread out most of the holiday traffic.

Schoolchildren playing football in Amsterdam

The summer holiday lasts for half dozen weeks. During the school year, there is at least 1 week of vacation after each catamenia of about six weeks; this is then both pupils and teachers tin recharge their batteries. For the exact dates, click here. While the school terms of private and international schools can exist different, the school year lasts in total a minimum of 40 weeks.

The quality of the Dutch education system

The Dutch rank highly in many fields of education. In fact, the World Economic Forum has ranked the Netherlands as the third-most educated country in the globe. Furthermore, in the renowned global Pisa/OECD rankings for 15-year-olds, the Netherlands is listed every bit one of the highest in performance. A third of Dutch 25-64 twelvemonth olds hold a academy degree, which is significantly higher than the OECD average of 24%.

The netherlands likewise scores among the world'south top countries for equity in didactics opportunities, and all 13 state-funded Dutch universities typically score well in The Times College Teaching Globe University Rankings.

The Ministry building of Education, Civilisation, and Science is currently working together with teachers, school principals, and educational specialists on a new national curriculum. This is designed to be more than time to come-proof and connect even improve to the hereafter learning goals of the current students.

Pre-schoolhouse educational activity in holland

Earlier children reach chief school age, they could go to daycare or preschool, or a combination of the two. Daycare is meant for children from about 10 weeks up to 4 years old. Nearly daycares only offering full-day contracts for i to 5 fixed days per week. In almost cities, preschool (voorschool) starts at age 2, and is offered for an average of 15 hours per week, spread out over three days.

Usually preschool is more structured than daycare and they prepare the preschool children for chief school in a playful way, according to a designated program. The focus is on Dutch language conquering, social skills, and motor skills. Most preschools are continued to a main school, but run past a unlike organization. In most cases, your child won't get automatic access to the continued primary school.

If both parents work (or a single parent works in a single parent family), they should be entitled to a revenue enhancement rebate ( kinderopvangtoeslag ) for the daycare costs through the Belastingdienst. This amount is non but dependent on the income of both parents, but as well on how many hours they apply daycare.

Also in the case of preschool, working parents can apply for the tax rebate. If only i or neither of the parents works, they will go a subsidy from the municipality (gemeente) for the preschool costs.

Master education in kingdom of the netherlands

In kingdom of the netherlands, there is a distinction between openbare and bijzondere schools. The openbare schools are both funded and run by an independent foundation that was originally set up by the government. They are always non-religious. About 2-thirds of the population attend bijzondere (special) schools, which have their own board and often follow particular religious or pedagogic principles. Usually, the religious schools are fairly moderate in terms of religion and are open to non-religious children, and those who have a different organized religion. However, this varies per school.

Most primary schools combine groups ane and 2 (ages iv and five) in the same class, the kleuterklas, which is comparable to kindergarten. Here they focus on learning through play, social skills, gross and fine motor skills, structure, independence, and gradual preparation for reading and writing. Formal reading and writing start in group 3, at age six.

The national average number of students in a government-funded school course is 23 to 24. In many bigger cities, you will find more children per class; well-nigh schools have a maximum of 28 to 30. One of the main reasons parents choose ane of the few individual schools are the smaller classes. From group 3 to group 8, most schools have ane age group per class. Exceptions are the Montessori and Jenaplan schools, where they combine three historic period groups.

Different education philosophies

Choice of educational philosophy is very important for many parents in kingdom of the netherlands. Information technology is of import to empathise the differences between the philosophies to be able to make the all-time choice for your kid.

For example, at Montessori schools, children are taught to go contained, and they oft work at their ain footstep. In Dalton schools, they larn to make their ain realistic plans and schedules, and work in groups on projects. In Jenaplan schools, the community plays an important role, and Waldorf (vrije) schools accept a strong focus on nature and mainly teach through stories, poems, recitals, and plays.

Schoolhouse opening hours

Schools may decide their ain hours. Usually, school starts between 8:30 and 8:45, and ends between xv:00 and 15:xv. In that location is a lunch interruption for about 45 minutes to one hour, during which the children can either get home or have luncheon at school (overblijven/TSO). For the children who stay at schoolhouse, an additional fee (overblijfgeld) has to be paid. They have to bring their own lunch from home. Weather permitting, they play exterior before or after lunch. The teachers as well have a tiffin break and the school asks volunteers, after-schoolhouse care teachers, or parents to supervise the children.

Some schools accept a continuous schedule (continurooster), where all pupils have lunch at school in the classroom with their teacher. Their luncheon interruption is shorter and the school ends earlier than the schools that have overblijven.

A collection of student lunchboxes at a Dutch school

On Wednesdays, most schools close at around 12.30pm for the 24-hour interval. Wednesday afternoons are usually filled by playdates, birthday parties, sports clubs, and music lessons. Primary schools are required to offering after-school care to their pupils. Usually, they contract an external organisation (BSO). The BSO teachers will come up and selection up the children from school, and so parents/ guardians can choice them upwardly at the BSO location before closing time. During school holidays and other days that the schoolhouse is closed, the BSO is open up all day. Parents have to arrange and pay for the BSO separately, for which they may become a revenue enhancement rebate (Kinderopvangtoeslag).

Bilingual schools in the Netherlands

Past law, Dutch schools have to start teaching English equally a subject by group vii (about age 10) at the latest. More and more schools accept decided to commencement earlier, sometimes from group one. Such schools are VVTO schools, which refers to Early Foreign Linguistic communication Education.

Seventeen schools in kingdom of the netherlands are official bilingual pilot schools. They may teach up to 50% of the time in English. The pilot is due to finish in 2023, and if the results are positive, there are likely to be more bilingual schools afterwards.

It is important to note that the bilingual schools are Dutch schools, which offering English on top of the Dutch curriculum. All the tests are still in Dutch. Some bilingual schools require at least one of the parents to be fluent in Dutch.

Student testing and monitoring

Near Dutch primary schools don't requite much homework, particularly non in the early years. Twice per yr, from group 2 or iii, the pupils take a test to measure out their progress. They call this the pupil monitor system (leerlingvolg-systeem, LVS). With these tests, schools tin can spot any learning difficulties like dyslexia at an early on stage. If they discover something, the kid might need some additional back up.

Students typically hang their backpack with a Dutch flag after completing their studies
Students typically hang their backpack with a Dutch flag after completing their studies

The tests are also a way to measure the quality of teaching. The pupils can't pass or neglect these tests and there are no direct consequences based on the outcome of the tests alone. The children don't demand to set up for the tests, and younger ones (specially) are not aware that they are taking a test. Often the teachers simply inform the parents of the results, and non the pupils. There is unremarkably no competition between the children based on the examination outcomes. Some schools take these tests more than seriously than others, and then information technology is always good to inquire in advance.

Pupil reports and grades

Most schools paw out a schoolhouse report twice a year with grades that range from 'very good' to 'insufficient', and invite parents to hash out their children'south results in a 10-infinitesimal meeting. Information technology is adequately common for a child to repeat or skip a year, and people exercise not usually frown upon this.

In group 8, the final twelvemonth of primary school, the pupils accept the central end test for principal education (Centrale Eindtoets Basisonderwijs). This is an aptitude test that measures what the pupils have learned in the past viii years. The pupils answer questions which exam their Dutch language and comprehension skills, mathematics, study skills, and earth orientation. This is a combination of history, geography, biology, and world religions. The bailiwick of world orientation is optional for schools.

Previously a foundation called Cito designed these tests. Since school yr 2014-fifteen, the Ministry building of Education has officially approved a few other tests besides the Cito test (e.g, Route eight or IEP). All primary school students must take role in the end test.

Before the stop examination takes place, the group eight teacher assesses what level of secondary education would best fit each educatee. They base their recommendation on various factors including the student'southward test scores from group 6, their intelligence, attitude towards learning, eagerness to learn, interests, and motivation. Based on the result of this finish test and the recommendation of the teacher, the pupils go a school recommendation (schooladvies) for the appropriate level of secondary teaching.

If the test results are higher than the teacher's recommendation, the secondary schoolhouse advice may be upgraded. If the test results are lower, so the teacher recommends the way forward.

Secondary instruction in the netherlands

There are basically three levels of high school education, which go by the acronyms of VMBO, HAVO, and VWO. Here is a summary of them all:

  • VMBO – is preparatory secondary vocational didactics, which usually takes four years, and is followed past MBO;
  • HAVO – senior full general secondary pedagogy, takes v years, and is followed by HBO (Hogeschool/University of Applied Sciences);
  • VWO – pre-university education takes half dozen years, and students tin continue to university (WO).

Subject choices

Many secondary schools offer a mixed-level span class in the showtime twelvemonth (sometimes for the first ii years). After obtaining a diploma from ane level, you lot may proceed to the side by side level. This route usually takes some actress time. Some secondary schools are running a airplane pilot where y'all can take unlike subjects at different levels. It looks like the system will become a bit more than flexible in the hereafter.

At VMBOschools, students can cull betwixt more theoretical or more than practical subjects. They likewise choose a sector in which to specialize: Economics (due east.g., administration, commercial services, fashion), Agronomics (e.1000., agriculture, environment, and food technology), Technical (eastward.m., construction, graphics, automotive, electrical), or Care and Welfare (eastward.g., care, sports, services, prophylactic).

Merchandise and MBO diplomas

After the theoretical level of VMBO, students may either go to the fourth year of HAVO, or to the MBO, where they can obtain a trade diploma. With a theoretical MBO diploma, y'all may motion onto HBO, which is a university of applied sciences.

Almost halfway through their HAVO or VWO course, students have to choose a profile in which they will eventually graduate. The options are: nature and health, nature and technology, culture and society, or economics and society. With your HAVOdiploma, yous may get to VWO or HBO.

VWOis in full general more analytical and research-oriented than HAVO, and consists of two branches: Atheneum and Gymnasium. Gymnasium offers Latin, Ancient Greek, and Classical studies, while Atheneum does non. Both give equal admission to (enquiry-oriented) university (WO).

Like primary schools, some secondary schools are religious, or based on an educational philosophy. Whatever blazon of primary school your child has attended, they can go to whatsoever type of secondary school; you don't need to stick with the same philosophy if yous don't want to.

Schools in kingdom of the netherlands

Besides Dutch schools, there are also a expert amount of international schools to choose from.

International schools

The Netherlands is ane of the few countries in the world in which the authorities subsidizes international education. The subsidized international schools are intended for children who live temporarily (two to 3 years) in the country because of their parents' jobs; yet, they won't have to leave if you lot cease up staying longer. The fees are around 4,500 to 5,500 euros per year, per child, and many schools have a waiting list.

The private international schools mostly start at 15,000 euros per year. These schools usually have shorter waiting lists and tend to offer more facilities, and afterward-schoolhouse activities. Virtually of the international schools follow the thematic International Primary Curriculum (IPC) or the research-based IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum.

The regime of the country the international schoolhouse is related to may subsidize it, for instance, the French, German language, and Japanese schools. The European Union fund the European schools, and these are free for the children of parents who work for a European agency or institute. Other children pay between v,000 and 7,000 euros per yr, however in case of limited availability, they have to give priority to the children from the 'target grouping'.

Find a total list of secondary international schools in the netherlands.

Special needs schools

Under the 'Inclusive Teaching' (Passend Onderwijs) Act, as many children who crave additional back up equally possible should be able to go to the regular school in their neighborhood. The school where you apply is responsible for providing a suitable learning place for your child. If needed, they can buy in the support of external, specialized SEN teachers. However, these are normally but bachelor for a few hours per week. The experience and expertise schools have with children with special needs varies greatly.

If the support required turns out to be also intensive or specialized, children might be referred to a defended special needs school. Sometimes the pupils of the special needs school stay there for the whole main schoolhouse period, followed by a special needs secondary school; while other pupils transfer to a regular school after a few years of intensive support.

College didactics in the Netherlands

Since most employers inquire for qualified employees, students are highly encouraged to obtain a diploma. After the higher up-mentioned types of secondary school, students can proceed with many different types of college teaching.

Diplomas in the Netherlands

Later on VMBO, students may keep with MBO, to obtain a diploma with which they could become, for instance, an assistant, childminder, secretary, security officer, role employee, barber, or nurse.

The education that follows after HAVO is called HBO, which is Academy of Applied Sciences, and ordinarily takes four years. At the HBO, students can obtain a bachelor's degree. Students with an MBO diploma besides have access to the HBO.

A lot of people working in business organization and trade are HBO graduates, and too for instance, primary school teachers, architects, art directors, journalists, translators, midwifes, artists, pilots, and nurses with a management position.

Available and masters programs

Some HBO institutes likewise offering a primary's program, for which you frequently need to have some relevant work feel. You can likewise exercise your bachelor's at HBO, followed past a chief'south at academy. With your certificate of your first year of HBO (propedeuse), y'all may also keep your education at university.

About university studies accept four years too, with some years added for possible specializations. University (WO) graduates could, amidst other professions, go lawyers, psychologists, doctors, surgeons, researchers, notaries, professors, engineers, or scientists.

Higher education is state-funded and students pay a bit over 2,000 euros per yr for university and HBO, of which starting time-yr students pay half. 1 of the measurements the government has taken to diminish the national instructor shortage is that students who railroad train to become a teacher pay half of the study fees during the get-go ii years of study. Students might also authorize for a report grant, based on their performances and parents' income.

More and more academy HBO and MBO studies are available in English. From age 21 you can do a colloquium doctum with a academy. This is an exam for people who don't have the right (VWO or HBO) diploma to go to university, withal can testify they are at the right academic level. Many universities too offer part-time report programs that students can combine with their job, or other commitments. Read our guide to Dutch universities for more than information.

Examinations in the netherlands

Equally previously mentioned, all primary schools accept to take the cease test of primary school, nevertheless the schools may decide which of the government-approved tests they choose.

All students of the same school take the same blazon of test, while some adaptations have been made for children with special needs. Furthermore, all secondary schools have the same national exams in their last yr, regardless of their educational arroyo or philosophy.

With the right diploma for secondary school, you may movement up to higher education. A few studies are oversubscribed and crave applicants to take part in an assessment or build a portfolio before they can enter. Still, most university studies are non-selective and don't involve a standard entry exam.

Education costs and funding

Municipalities sponsor parents who cannot afford the voluntary parent contribution at the government-funded schools. They tin can also become a contribution towards afterwards-school activities and other costs related to raising children. Some companies pay for the international educational activity of the children of their employees, and sometimes these fees are tax-deductible. It is a skilful idea to ask your Hr department if this is the case.

Educational support for expat students

Especially in the bigger cities, there are a lot of not-Dutch children who attend Dutch schools; particularly if their parents plan to stay in kingdom of the netherlands for a longer time. Children aged vi or older who don't speak Dutch still are usually referred to a newcomer or Dutch immersion grade first. Here they will learn the language in small classes with specialized teachers. The newcomer course takes on boilerplate one twelvemonth. The pupils are commonly promoted to the next grade after that.

There are a few schools that have an internal newcomer form, and a couple of separate schools for newcomers. In some cities, the newcomer classes start at historic period iv. How much boosted support a (regular) school tin offering with the Dutch language varies per schoolhouse.

Support for children with special educational needs (SEN)

If the back up your kid requires turns out to be too specialized or intensive, the regular schoolhouse may refer them to a dedicated special needs school. You lot will too need a toelaatbaarheidsverklaring(tlv) – literally translated as 'permissibility declaration'.

In that location are three principal types of special needs education:Speciaal basisonderwijs (SBO), andspeciaal onderwijs at both principal (Then) and secondary (VSO) levels.

At these schools, the class sizes are smaller than at regular schools, and the children receive more than tailor-fabricated and specialized back up and therapies focused on their specific needs.

At SBO schools, the pupils follow the same plan and have the same core objectives as regular master schools. Besides more personal attention and tailor-made support in a smaller setting, they also get more time to complete master school (until age 14, instead of historic period 12).

Within the special needs schools (speciaal onderwijs), there are iv cluster schools based on the type of special needs. The teachers teach at different levels in the class, and nearly children follow the regular curriculum.

Speciaal onderwijs schools

Thespeciaal onderwijs schools are divided into the post-obit clusters:

  • 1 – schools for children who are visually impaired or blind;
  • 2 – is for children who have serious communication issues (deafness, voice communication disorder, etc);
  • 3 – schools welcome children who have cognitive or physical disabilities, or a chronic illness that makes going to school hard;
  • 4 – schools are for children with psychiatric or serious behavioral problems (autism, ADHD, PDD-NOS, ODD, CD, etc).

After a special needs primary schoolhouse, a child can go to either a regular secondary school (with actress back up, if needed), or a special needs school at secondary level (VSO). A special needs school at secondary level needs to make an educational plan with the child and guide them towards a suitable career. If a pupil makes enough progress at the special needs school, they may transfer to a regular (chief or secondary) school.

A specialized educational consultant (onderwijsconsulent) tin assist your family in this process. Anonderwijsconsulent is an independent educational specialist who has a lot of experience with SEN children. Parents don't need to pay for the help of this consultant.

Homeschooling in holland

Homeschooling is generally not allowed in kingdom of the netherlands. Nevertheless, some exceptions are made for families who cannot find a school in their vicinity which matches with their faith or life convictions. You should research the possibilities of homeschooling earlier y'all apply for any type of school. Once your child is in the system, it is very hard to become out again.

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Join in English for Child Care and Education

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